Uplifting families
We provide essentials to hard working families and those experiencing hard times. With prices on the rise, wages don’t seem to be increasing at the same pace.
Packages included household goods, supplies, clothing, shoes and more.
Each month the package is different and contains valuable non-food needs.
PreOrder Needs at
Resuming January 6th 2025
New Post Church
1900 New Post Church Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22408.
On every 2nd Friday of the month between11am and 12 noon.
Hope Presbyterian Chruch
11121 Leavells Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407
On the 4th Friday of the month between 11am and 12 noon.
Please sign up for items at, to ensure requested items will be waiting for you. Other items will be available on a first come base.
Do you need a Panglossian Lift?
Do you have a non-need that you can not fill? As prices are rising and wages are stagnant, we know somethings people are going without.
We are here to help, we will aim to provide your need or give you the resources. Fill out the form below and we will do out level best to help you. We are Good-hearted Individuals Giving and Helping Other People Succeed.